CK-IF620 series ring type industrial Ethernet switches used in power dispatching automation system
System description:
In this scenario, use two front (collection) processor, 2 systems (data) servers SCADA system hot standby; the two dispatcher workstations; a microcomputer composed of EMS energy management workstation; 1 microcomputer composition DTS dispatcher workstation; 1 engineer maintenance station; a laser printer. SCADA can achieve real-time communication with the plant station RTU's. Set the gateway server and the company's management network networking and remote diagnostics. The program uses Shenzhen Comark CK-IF620 consisting of redundant Ethernet, industrial-grade optical fiber structure, front (collection) processor, system server, dispatcher workstations, engineering stations, EMSstations, DTS workstations working under the redundant network. When one network fails, CK-IF620 starts redundancy to ensure communications can be done by another network.
As the use of WebAccess SCADA monitoring system, two high-performance pre-processor as a field collection / site monitoring / remote network monitoring, can replace the system host workstation.
Network Structure:
( Figure 1 )
Function introduction:
Ø 6*100 Base-TX interface, 2*100 base - FX interface
Ø Fiber interface support ring network redundancy, healing time < 20 ms
Ø Support based on the VLAN ports, IEEE802.1 Q VLAN
Ø Support QoS - IEEE802.1p/1Q
Ø Support static multicast filtering and Port Trunking
Ø Support port mirroring
Ø Support the rate limit bandwidth and the broadcast storm protection function
Ø Support 8k MAC address table
Ø No Fan Design
Ø Normal temperature (0 ~ 70 ℃), extend the wide temperature model (40 ~ 85 ℃)
This system used CK-IF620 Ethernet optical fiber transmission, it can solve the electromagnetic interference, ground loop interference and lightning damage problem, greatly improving the control signal reliability, security and confidentiality, also solved the problem of the short transmission distance at the same time, it break traditional user is limited to use expensive products from abroad, Shenzhen Comark provide localized service, the most cost-effective products, its can replace the imported similar products.